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Categories of Weight Training

While many think of weight training simplistically as any activity where weights (or some form of resistance) is being lifted, this is somewhat simplistic.  Rather, it is useful to look at different categories of weight training based on their goals and how they are implemented.

I’d note that while I’m going to discuss each type of weight training as a distinct entity, it’s better to think of them as overlapping zones (some call this the rep continuum).  For example, the low end of what is typically considered the hypertrophy range (perhaps 5 reps) is often considered the top of the maximum strength range.

What Defines the Categories of Weight Training?

Each of the different types of training is usually defined by what are often called acute training variables (acute here refers to the individual set or workout).  There are a number of different variables that coaches and trainers usually use to define training, including repetitions per set, the number of sets, the rest interval between sets and the load (intensity), to name just a few. Many coaches add tempo (lifting speed) and/or time under tension (total set time) and many others can be added until people’s brains explode with confusion and over-complication.

I’d note that a lot of arguments erupt over the definition of training intensity.  Some use percentage of 1 repetition max to define intensity, others use repetition maximum load and others still use subjective intensity (failure or not, some version of rating of perceived exertion (RPE) or reps in reserve (RIR)).  I discuss this topic in some detail in What is Training Intensity?

I should mention that exercise selection is relevant here here as well due to the fact that certain exercises tend to lend themselves to certain types of loading of one kind or another.  For example, 3 sets of high rep deadlifts with a short rest is a good way to destroy and/or injure yourself, heavy sets of three in the lateral raise tend not to work so well.  There are always exceptions to this, mind you, but there are some generalities in terms of what types of exercises tend to go best with certain types of training.

Of course, each type of training generally has an explicit goal in terms of what the trainee is trying to accomplish. As above, note that each category of training has some overlap with the others in terms of the goal or adaptation seen with that kind of training. It might be more helpful to think of the training types as falling on a continuum. This will make more sense as I detail the different loading parameters for each type of training over the next few articles.

And with that out of the way, I want to look at the first type of training, which is metabolic or depletion training.

Metabolic/Depletion Training

.Metabolic or depletion training generally describes any type of training built around relatively higher reps (typically 15-20 or sometimes higher, with sets typically lasting perhaps 45-60 seconds) and short rest periods (typically 30-60 seconds).

As you’d expect,  the loads used are generally relatively low in terms of percentage of 1 repetition maximum (60% or often less). As far as total sets, typically 3-4 sets of any given exercise are done, depending on the goal (e.g. in The Ultimate Diet 2.0, a total of 10-12 sets per body part is needed to deplete muscle glycogen).

So for any given exercise, 4 sets of 15-20 reps with 60″ (1 minute) rest might be done. Alternately, two different exercises might be alternated with a very short rest period with a slightly longer rest interval between each exercise pairing.

So you might move from exercise 1 to exercise 2 with only 15-30 seconds rest and then rest 90 seconds after exercise two before returning to the next pairing.  This tends to make the workout harder in general while still allowing sufficient recovery between similar exercises. This might be done for 3-4 exercise pairings or whatever. So a total of 6-8 exercises per workout for 4 sets apiece might be a typical workout.

Exercise Selection

In my experience, less technical exercises are better (or at least safer) for this type of training. Trying to do 3 sets of 15-20 reps of squats or deadlifts on a short rest interval is simply a recipe for disaster: invariably, form breaks down and even with light loads, the risk of injury becomes too high.

Can it be done?  Yes.  Do I think most should do it?  No.

In The Ultimate Diet 2.0 I recommended primarily machines for this reason for the depletion workouts.  Not only do I feel that they’re safer, they allow for faster movement through the workout since you don’t have to worry about loading bars or finding dumbbells; just set the pin and go.

Many who are advocating this type of training (usually for fat loss) tend to use a lot of body weight exercises. At least unloaded, this makes more sense from an injury standpoint although I question whether the average unfit or extremely overweight individual would be able to do those types of movements in the first place (a topic I discussed in detail in the Training the Obese Beginner series). Which is odd given that many are heavily promoting this type of training for fat loss. I guess I simply question the likelihood of an individual carrying 50-100 pounds of excess body fat doing a T-push up or burpee or what have you properly or effectively.

Things such as kettlebell exercises (and the simpler movements) can readily be done in this format are often included in this and some groups even use high rep Olympic lifts for metabolic conditioning.  I question the latter highly.  Without years under the bar, technical breakdown is almost guaranteed with high repetition Olympic lifting; even with light loads, I think the risk of injury is simply too high.

Of course, none of the above are mutually exclusive. A combination of kettlebell, body weight and weight (free weight or machine) exercises can all be put together in a circuit fashion as long as the loading parameters described above are adhered too.

Metabolic/Depletion Training and Fat Loss

.In recent years, the metabolic/depletion type of training has been heavily promoted for fat loss based on the idea that it burns more calories than traditional heavy training (probably true) and that it generates a large post-workout calorie burn.  I’ve discussed the issue of EPOC on the site.

This type of training does tend to deplete muscle glycogen (my primary reason for using it in The Ultimate Diet 2.0) and generates a hormonal response similar to that of interval training in terms of catecholamine release.  In The Stubborn Fat Solution, I suggested a variant using metabolic type work in lieu of traditional intervals as well.

While this type of training can certainly have its pros for fat loss (esp. via glycogen depletion/hormone levels), I don’t consider it sufficient as the only type of training to be done on a diet (except for rank beginners) as it’s not terribly effective for maintaining muscle mass or strength levels.

And while a common idea in bodybuilding training has been to use this type of training (or something akin to it) during contest preparation, this idea came from a time when anabolic steroids were used heavily, which limited muscle mass loss. For natural lifters to use this type of training exclusively for fat loss is a mistake.  I discuss this in detail in my series on weight training while dieting.

Other Uses of Metabolic/Depletion Training

Another use for this type of training is for general physical endurance or local muscular endurance.  I know I said I wouldn’t really talk about performance in this series but, well, there ya’ go.  Muscular acid levels and fatigue tend to be very high during this type of training and some athletes will train in this fashion at some point in the year to improve local muscular endurance or fatigue resistance.  Again, while this can certainly work, you can only build muscular endurance on a base of strength, so I don’t think this type of training can be used exclusively.

I’d note that this type of training can be used to improve work capacity (essentially, how well you can tolerate increasing volumes or frequency of training) and focusing on increasing work capacity (which can also improve the ability to recover both during and between workouts) is not a bad thing for most people during at least some part of the training year.  Even a couple of weeks of higher repetition lifting can improve overall tolerance to heavier work down the road.  It can also be good for the joints (important for older trainees).

I’d also note that I don’t think this kind of training is appropriate for rank beginners. Few would have the tolerance to fatigue that this type of training requires initially and none would have the technical ability to maintain proper form in the face of fatigue.  Certainly tolerance can certainly be built up over the first few weeks of training.

So I really question the folks advocating that to relative beginner trainees as an effective way of losing fat. Perhaps it can be made workable under the eye of a trainer who will correct improper form or stop the individual when form starts to break down, along with building up the volume gradually. Even then, I think there are better ways to get beginners into training without murdering them with this type of training.  Again, see the Training the Obese Beginner series for more on this.

In terms of gaining muscle mass, this type of training might have some small benefit and, as noted above, a lot of bodybuilders train (or used to train) in a fashion similar to this; this type of training is also sometimes referred to as pump training. This type of training can cause increased visible muscular size by increasing the amount of glycogen, water, minerals, etc. in the muscle.  Recent studies are suggesting that lower load training taken to failure may generate the same growth as heavier work.

For the majority of trainees, I’d consider this type of training fairly inferior for growth. However, in conjunction with other types of (usually heavier) training, a small volume of metabolic work can sometimes be useful.

Glycogen depletion and such improves nutrient uptake and insulin sensitivity in skeletal muscle and doing a handful of sets as a “finishing” movement might have some benefits in this regard. This type of training also seems to benefit connective tissue and joint health.  Whether this is a direct effect via blood flow or lactate is debatable, it may simply be an issue of giving the joints a break from endless heavy training.

Specifically for advanced bodybuilding (specialization cycles, something I’ll write about eventually), I’ve used a couple of very high rep sets in specialization cycles for that (and other reasons). So a trainee (and this would usually be a more advanced bodybuilder) might do something for say, legs, along the lines of

  1. Squat: 5 sets of 5 with 3 minutes+ rest
  2. Leg press: 2-3 sets of 12 with 1.5-2 minutes rest
  3. Leg extension: 2 sets of 15-20 with 30-45 seconds rest

Again, this is usually only for advanced bodybuilders in a specialization cycle; others seeking hypertrophy are usually better suited by sticking with more traditional hypertrophy methods.  And that’s where I’ll stop for today.

Read Categories of Weight Training: Part 2.

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11 thoughts on “Categories of Weight Training

  1. Very interesting article. You discussed using this method for muscle growth in the context of a specialization routine, but do you think there is merit to working it into a regular balanced weekly routine as perhaps a way to cover more muscle building bases so to speak?

    So maybe, top end strength training on monday, intensive bodybuilding style on wednesday and this occlusion style training on friday. Maybe cycled with a speed day (or just planned deloads) here and there to avoid over work. I guess it’s pretty much like a DUP setup through a very large rep range.


  2. Awesome, can’t wait for the rest!

    Right now I’m lifting around my 5RM until I reach 8 reps, then I add about 10% and end up close to my new 5RM, so my rep range is about 4-8.

    Do you believe in switching up rep ranges to avoid adaptation?

  3. Great article, waiting for the next ones in the serie.
    Frequently after reading your articles i think many many people will like very much if you write a general entry-level weight+endurace training program book. Maybe something in the line of Cressey’s Maximum Strength and the new Show and go. Something a couch-potato geek as myself 🙂 could use for a year to get 2xbw squats and dead-lifts and 1xbw bench-press, correct postures, improve mobility and get some nice endurance….

    I’ll kill for a book from you in this way xD

  4. enrique, 2xbw squats is something that is attainable for a subset of the population, but hardly something that you can routinely achieve in a year, regardless of program, especially if you are a couch potato. There are plenty of resources out there already if that is what you want to do, but don’t fool yourself into thinking that this is something that automatically will happen even with a good program, especially in as short of a time period as a year.

    If it was easy you would see 400 pound squats in every gym you walk into…..

  5. Should post workout nutrition be approached differently depending on which of three ‘categories’ we are doing? I always wondered if, for instance, when you are doing a glycogen depletion workout, if you should keep glycogen depleted (no carbs PWO) or take carbs immediately for recovery… If you could clear this up that would be great!

    Perhaps a series on post workout (and even pre- and peri-) nutrition would be worth writing about 🙂

  6. Good article, actually thought about attempting the advanced bodybuilding workouts you mentioned, but I think I need to work on the form of my squats some more. I have to do them slow or my form gets off.

  7. Lyle:

    Looking forward to the rest of the series. It’s funny you chose to write about this because, just last week, I wrote a blog post over at my blog entitled “Metabolic Training Gone Bad”. You can check it out here:

    I’d be interested to hear what you think about it.

  8. Great article, Lyle!
    Looking forward to the rest of the series.

  9. Eres el amo, Lyle!

    Which split do you think that’s better for depletion days in UD2.0 nowadays?

    day1: torso
    day2: legs + arms

    day1: fullbody
    day2: fullbody

    C) day1: full-fullbody (all in one)

    other) a,b or c but using supersets (alternate 2 exercices of the same body part).

    I know that has been asked in some posts of forum, but I didn’t know the “alternate 2 exercices” option.

    Another question. Could hamstrings need less total sets than quads for deplate them?


  10. Hi Lyle, great site. I hope in the future you could address the development of power
    Thank you.

  11. Hi lyle! You’re work’s great! thank you very much for sharing you’re knowledge!
    I’ve got a question on the depletion workout in the ud2.0.
    You Write on page 56:
    “… Assuming each of your sets lasts about 45-60 seconds (which is 15-20 reps at a fairly quick tempo or 10-12 reps at a slower tempo), you’ll need about 10-12 sets per bodypart to deplete glycogen to about the right level.”

    On page 57:
    “My personal preference is actually to do two full body workouts on both days with 5-6 sets per bodypart done at each workout. I’ll only do 2-3 sets for shoulders and arms. I’ll pick one exercise per bodypart and do 3 sets of 12-15 with a 1 minute rest, before moving to the next bodypart. After working through the entire body, I’ll rest a few minutes and then do it all over”

    if you do your workout on page 58, how many times do you repeat it? With One Repetition there’s a total of 6 Sets per bodypart , like the Quote on page 57. or do you repeat it twice like you recommend on page 56 or on the workout Template. Sorry for my confusion and my Bad english! Hope You unterstand what i mein! Greets from Switzerland!

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