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Training Volume and Muscle Growth

So for the last few weeks, I’ve been addressing different issues regarding Brad Schoenfeld’s recent paper suggesting that an incredibly high training volume, far more than have ever been suggested or used by any sane human, give the most growth.  I won’t re-examine the issues I have with it but you can read my first diss track and my second diss track if you’re not got caught up.

Rather, as discussed two weeks ago, I want to now look at the other papers examining the issue of training volume and muscle growth.  As it turns out there are currently 7 of relevance, including Brad’s, of which 2 came out within roughly a week of his.  Since I have a lot to cover, this will take 3 articles to address everything I want to say.  First, a bit of a tangent and this will be a long piece.

Building Scientific Models

While imperfect, mainly due to the fact that scientists are only human, the scientific method is currently the best approach to answer questions about our universe. … Keep Reading