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A Guide to Beginning Weight Training: Part 6

Continuing from Part 5, it’s time to finally wrap-up.  Today I want to talk about progression in the weight room, when to add variety/make changes and then touch on when someone stops being a beginning trainee.

Progression as a Beginner

So you’ve started now, hopefully light and building up.  What happens next?  Well the name of the game in improving any aspect of fitness is progressive overload.  Over some time period, the training you’re doing now is no longer sufficient to make you get better.  So over time you have to do more.   I’m not saying this has to happen at every workout or even every week.  It happens over time.

That more can take many forms.  It could mean lifting heavier weights, it could mean doing more sets (up to a point), it could mean training more of often or increasing what is called training density.  For the purposes of beginner training, we’re only interested in increasing volume (total number of sets/work done) and intensity (weight on the bar).… Keep Reading