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The Energy Density of Foods

Today I want to cover another fundamental aspect of nutrition that is somewhat easy to confuse.  That concept is referred to as energy density.  Energy density integrates, in a fashion, the concepts of calories, nutrients and food intake.

First I want to define energy density before looking at some examples that will hopefully make the concept a bit more clear.  Finally, I’ll look at applications of the energy density concept in terms of dieting, weight gain, etc.

What is Energy Density?

Conceptually, energy density refers to how many calories are found in a given weight or volume or food.  Ok, what does that mean. Let’s say that you have 1 gram of each of the three macronutrients which are protein, carbohydrates and fat.

We know that these are given calorie values of 4 cal/g for protein and carbohydrate and 9 cal/g for fat.  Clearly, in this simple example, fat has over twice the energy density of either carbs or fat (9 cal in one gram vs. 4 cal in one gram).

This basic fact is generally interpreted one of two ways depending on whether a given author is pro- or anti-fat (and of course what the context is).  Pro-fat authors will contend (usually in the context of exercise performance) that since fat contains twice the calories of carbohydrates, it provides more energy to the body on a gram per gram basis.   While this is true in one sense it ignores the fact that fat is slower to provide energy and can’t fuel as high of an intensity of exercise.  Discussing this would take a separate article.

In contrast, anti-fat authors (usually coming at it from an obesity or weight gain standpoint) tend to blame high caloric intakes (and hence obesity) on a high fat intake because of its high energy density.  That is, frequently diets higher in fat are also higher in calories because of the increased energy density.

But Wait….

But you can’t just look at the issue as simply as the above.  First and foremost, people don’t generally eat pure nutrients, they eat food.  And, as discussed in that article, most foods are a combination of nutrients (e.g. milk contains protein, carbs and fat, meat contains protein and usually fat, most carb sources contain some protein).  Even in those cases where folks (read: OCD athletes) may choose pure nutrients, most humans eat mixed meals containing multiple foods and that affects the overall energy density of the meal.

Of perhaps more relevance is that most foods also contain other non-nutrient compounds such as air, water, ash, fiber, etc.  Put differently, 100 grams of say chicken won’t contain 100 grams of protein.  Rather, the amount of protein will be diluted by the presence of not only other nutrients but the other compounds that are present.

If this is difficult to understand, an easy example might be soup which is mostly water.  So say you make a soup containing potatoes, vegetables, ground beef, some vegetable oil, spices and what have you.  Each of the foods you put in will contain some amounts of carbohydrates, proteins and fat and each will fall somewhere in terms of their energy density.  However, a cup of that soup will likely have a fairly low energy density because most of the volume is water.

Another example would be to compare two cups of pasta to one cup of pasta with one cup of steamed vegetables.  Both meals are 2 cups (in terms of the total volume) but the second meal would contain far less calories due to the vegetables; and since the total volume of both meals is the same, the energy density (calories per unit weight/volume) would also be lower.  In this specific case, the low energy density food dilutes the higher energy density food and brings the overall energy density of the meal/dish down.

Alternately, let’s take a typical 100 grams baked potato which contains about 46 grams of digestible carbohydrate.  Hopefully readers can sort of imagine about how big that would be (this is just a standard size baked potato).  Now contrast that to 100 grams of pure table sugar which will contain very nearly 100 grams of carbohydrate; I bet you can imagine just how little sugar that would be.

In both cases we’re looking at 100 grams of total food but the caloric content of each is drastically different (about 200 calories vs. 400) as is the energy density.  The potato will have an energy density of 200 calories/100 grams food compared to the 400 calories/100 grams food in the table sugar.

Of course, 100 grams of pure fat would contain nearly 900 calories and still have the highest energy density of all.

Here’s an example that will help to illustrate just how large a role water content plays in all of this.  Two cups of grapes will contain about 100 calories while 2 cups of raisins (dried grapes) might contain nearly 800 calories.  This is because the raisins have had most of the water and air content removed during the drying process.  Same volume, same food, but drastically different energy densities due to the removal of water.

One thing I would note is that, although fat is often blamed for the high-energy density of the diet, this isn’t always true.  Food companies have come up with amazingly creative ways to make low-fat high-carb foods be exceedingly energy dense by removing water, air and fiber.

Most dietetics types seem to assume that a high-carb diet will be non-energy dense but they are assuming that people are eating naturally occurring carbohydrates such as potatoes.  In the real world this is rarely the case.  When you start moving into heavily processed carbohydrates, the energy densities of the diet can get up there pretty quickly.

As a general rule, foods high in water and fiber tend to be pretty low on the energy density scale and food that lack either tend to be much higher.  Pure oils tend to have the highest energy densities (which is why I strongly recommend measuring them out, even if you don’t measure anything else in most of my books) and vegetables tend to have the lowest energy density.  Everything else is somewhere in the middle.

Why Does Energy Density Matter?

Ok, enough explanation, why is this important.  Energy density starts to become important when you are looking at food intake in the real world, both in terms of dieting and gaining weight (for athletes).   A lot of this has to do with the impact of energy density and food volume on hunger and appetite.

Some research suggests that humans eat a fixed weight of food each day (other research says this is not the case and I’ll let the scientists argue it out for the time being).  Thus people who eat higher energy density foods invariably end up eating more total calories. Basically, if you are going to eat 2 pounds of food per day (I’m pulling this number out of thin air), you will end up consuming more calories if you eat high energy density foods vs. low energy density foods.

To give an extreme example, two pounds of candy bars will provide far more calories than two pounds of broccoli.

Even if this isn’t entirely the case, high energy density foods tend to make it easier to overconsume calories compared to low energy-density equivalents.  This is especially true when you’re looking at uncontrolled diets (e.g. where people are not tracking calories), a topic I keep harping on but one that people keep confusing with other issues of the diet.

Simply put, foods with a low energy density will contain a relatively small number of calories in a large bulk or volume of food.  As noted above, vegetables, fruits and other unrefined carbohydrates typically have a low energy density although even that’s not always the case as mentioned above

Foods with a high energy density will contain a large number of calories in a relatively small amount of food. This generally includes high-fat foods but can also include highly refined carbohydrates. I mentioned this above but I want to look at that issue in a little more detail.

It looks at first glance that high fat foods will always be more energy dense than similar amounts of carbohydrates or protein and that fact has been used as part of the campaign to lower dietary fat to help with the obesity problem. But is this always the case, are high-fat foods always higher energy density than high-carbohydrate foods?

Let’s take our baked potato example, containing about 46 grams of carbohydrate in a 100 gram potato. So it contains about 200 calories/100 grams. Let’s say we add 10 grams of fat in the form of butter (making anti-fat crusaders cringe) to the potato which adds 90 calories. Our potato/butter combination contains 290 calories in 110 grams of food.

Now let’s contrast this 110 grams of candy and let’s say it contains ~100 grams of sugar, or 400 calories. So the baked potato/butter combination contains 290 calories/110 grams of food while the candy contains 400 calories/100 grams of food.  Despite being ‘high-fat’, the potato-butter combination has a lower energy density than the zero-fat high-sugar food its being compared to.

Semi-tangentially, while the anti-fat crusaders tend to blame high-fat diets for every malady known to man, there are real-world examples, such as the classic Mediterranean diet (which often contains up to 40% fat as total calories), where a high-fat diet doesn’t cause problems.  Much of this is that the overall diet is still fairly low energy density because there are a tremendous amount of fruits and vegetables being eaten.

Despite having a high fat content, the Mediterranean diet has an overall low energy density because of the other foods that are present in such abundance.  This is in contrast to most Western diets that tend to not only be high in fat but low in foods such as fruits and vegetables that would dilute the energy density of the fat.

As I mentioned above, one of the reasons that fat is so often blamed for its role in causing obesity is its high energy density. This is obviously true if you’re talking about pure fat (which few people eat) and it’s generally true that high fat foods have a high energy density. This difference is especially prevalent if they are compared to low-fat unrefined carbohydrate foods likes fruits, vegetables and unrefined grains. You know, the foods that nobody really eats but that anti-fat crusaders think people are eating.

As I alluded to above, a low-fat diet isn’t automatically a low energy-density diet. Many highly refined high-carbohydrate foods have a high energy density because the water, air, fiber, etc. has been removed. More and more, food companies have brought low-fat/high-carbohydrate but also high energy density foods to market.

Even diet staples such as pasta can have a surprisingly large number of calories in a fairly small volume. Such foods may be low (or even no) fat but still have a very high energy density. This not only makes them easy to overconsume but also means that they can contribute a rather large number of calories to the diet without providing much bulk.

To really drive this into the ground, a high-fat diet isn’t automatically a high energy density diet any more than a low-fat diet is automatically a low-energy density diet. The types and amounts of other foods in the diet play a major role and, in my experience, what dietetics types think people are eating in the real world isn’t what people are actually eating in the real world.

Which isn’t to say that an excessive fat intake isn’t contributing to the energy density (or caloric content) of the modern diet; of course it is. Dietary fat simply isn’t the only factor contributing to the problem of caloric overconsumption.

Is Low or High Energy Density “Better”?

You may be thinking after the above discussion that choosing a low energy-density diet is always superior.  Certainly, if you’re talking about weight loss or even general health, there is probably much truth to that.  For people who won’t or aren’t going to count calories, choosing low energy density foods will tend to reduce caloric intake them doing anything else.  For people on a diet, foods with a lower energy density tend to be more filling, helping to keep hunger at bay.

But there are exceptions to this.  Often times, people want or need to gain weight (especially athletes).  In that situation, when very high caloric intakes may be required, low energy density foods can actually make it impossible to get in sufficient calories.

Admittedly, this probably isn’t a situation that applies to the majority but it does come up.  Trying to get 6000 calories per day eating nothing but low energy density foods can be a near impossibility and consuming higher energy density foods may be necessary to get the job done.

A related issue are the high-carbohydrate refeeeds that I recommend in my books (such as A Guide to Flexible Dieting and The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook).  When the goal is to deliberately overconsume a lot of carbohydrates, people invariably get into trouble trying to do low-energy density, high-fiber foods.  Not only can’t they get sufficient calories in to make the refeed worthwhile, but the high-fiber tends to make them explode (if you get my meaning).  Similarly, in the post-workout period, higher energy density foods may be preferred due to a faster rate of digestion and the hormonal response.

And, of course, for people who are actively tracking calories, some of the above becomes much less relevant.   When people are actively measuring calories, much of this stops mattering as much because now we’ve taken out the issue of energy density on spontaneous food intake.

Make no mistake, there may be other benefits to consuming low density foods in terms of fullness or what have you. But when people are controlling their calorie intake, including higher energy density foods from time to time (a tenet of many flexible eating approaches) can be done without causing problems.

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7 thoughts on “The Energy Density of Foods

  1. Lyle,

    Nice article. The grapes-raisin explanation illustrates the issue well.

    This article, the 9 ways to deal with hunger, the calories, nutrients, or food article and a few others recently really fill a need for simple, helpful stuff I can link people to who ask me about diet but never take my advice to read your books. Hopefully enough of these articles and they will buy the books!

    Onto my question, as I understand it you cannot just drink a bunch of water with your candy and have your body treat it like low-density plant foods. Something about the body taking time to breakdown those plant foods whereas the water with candy would be in and out of your system. That makes sense.

    Does the above mean that, the grapes-raisin analogy would apply similarly to someone cooking oatmeal vs. drinking it in a shake? Does it mean that if I make my cup of rice with 2 cups of water v. 3 that that would make a difference in energy density? Soup is often cited in energy density explanations and I believe the volumetrics diet is a proponent of soups for low energy density foods. Would I be correct in thinking that the water you see in your soup has little-to-no affect on the energy density of the meal, but rather the benefit is from the soup-cooking process where the meat and vegetables you cook absorb more water than they would contain if prepared otherwise?

    Thanks again,

  2. Lyle,

    I have a question regarding the following article excerpt:

    “Pro-fat authors will contend (usually in the context of exercise performance) that since fat contains twice the calories of carbohydrates, it provides more energy to the body on a gram per gram basis (again, the context is usually exercise performance). While there is an element of truth to this it leaves out some important information that I’m not going to get into in this article.”

    Does this (at least in part) have anything to do with the intensity level of the activities a person is involved in and the energy required to convert dietary fat into glucose if needed? If I am way off base here, feel free to just ignore this post.

    As always thank you for all the fantastic articles.

  3. I like the way you try to look at all sides of an argument and avoid dogmatism. “It depends…”

    You mention pasta as a relatively high energy-dense food. It is definitely easy to over-eat it, which is an obvious problem for anyone trying to lose weight. Many people tend to eat less pasta if it’s the whole-grain product, and they eat it lowly, with lots of veggies.

    With my medical background, I am a huge advocate of the traditional Mediterranean diet. Many studies have associated it with prolonged life and reduced rates of heart attack, stroke, cancer (breast, prostate, colon, uterus), dementia, and type 2 diabetes. I blogged about the most recent study here, for anyone interested:


  4. Matt:

    This isn’t the place to discuss exercise metabolism and fuel use and it gets too complicated to deal with in any form or fashion in the comments section. Sufficed to say that you can’t turn fat into glucose. But nor can fat fuel high intensity activity which is why many of the pro-fat (in terms of ‘caloric provision’) folks are off base.

    As to your other question, just adding water doesn’t seem to have quite the same impact as consuming high water foods although I don’t recall exactly why that’s the case off hand (I seem to recall a paper showing that drinking water with a meal didn’t have the same impact as eating a high liquid food but I may be misremembering it). I was just making an example about how water content of foods can affect things.

    Steve: I think as a generic recommendation for diet (e.g. in terms of what might be more or less appropriate for a majority), the Mediterranean diet is a very good place to start. Certainly there are far worse ways people could eat.


  5. After getting nowhere doing low-fat/high-carb, I now do moderate everything. It’s a lot easier for me to overeat potato/bread/pasta than butter, cheese, or meat. It makes me feel full quicker. I still eat carbs, but I make them whole grain, both for the fiber and because I don’t like them so much, so eat less. And I’m one of those “mythical” people who eats a lot of fruits and veggies. I can eat two large tea crackers with cheese and sprouts and a bowl of steamed collards and consider it a healthy enough, lazy meal.

    As far as soup, it does seem to fill me up a lot more than just drinking a few cups of water with dinner. I make some veggie/grain/bean heavy soups, so maybe the fullness is just the fiber and water in the ingredients.

  6. Hi Lyle,

    Why do monosaccharides provide the same amount of energy per gram as polysaccharides? Cannot get my head around it.


  7. I don’t exactly understand the question but 1 gram is 1 gram.

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