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Why Does the US Suck at Olympic Lifting?

Ok, as promised, this is the mega-series that I’ve been working and reworking.  I almost delayed it another day but I’m going to save that little post for recovery after this.  Be forewarned, this is a monster.  I had originally planned to do it in 6 parts across 3 weeks but it made some of them monsters so I’ll be subdividing some of them (like today’s) even further and running every other day until it’s done.

As with previous mega-series, I’m going to turn off comments until after the last piece simply because it will save pointless arguments or questions about stuff that I will almost invariably end up covering before all is said and done.  And then I expect comments and debate and argument in the last section to go totally batshit. It’s the nature of this issue.  And with that introduction out of the way, away we go.


Fairly recently, I read a fairly humorous thread on a training forum examining the issue of why the United States continues to suck at Olympic Lifting at the world stage; it was the utter stupidity expressed in that thread that spurred me to bother with this. … Keep Reading